Maids of Athena
The Maids of Athena strive to achieve the ideals of Athena, as well as promote the Principles of our Order: Sisterhood, Service, Citizenship, Hellenism, Family, and Arete.
MOA Family
The Maids of Athena was founded through the inspiration of Mr. Thomas D. Lentgis, Supreme Governor of the Order of AHEPA, on July 5, 1930 in Tacoma, Washington. At that time Sparta #1 was formed with 12 original members; however, a charter was not granted until November 18, 1937. Charters were also granted to Alethea #2, Seattle, Washington; Diana #3, Portland, Oregon; and Ariadne #4, Vancouver, British Columbia.
The first constitution and ritual were written in 1935. By the end of 1937 there were 20 chapters and a total membership of 444. At the 1950 Supreme Convention in Cleveland, the Maids of Athena officially became the Junior Auxiliary of the Daughters of Penelope. In 1953, the first National Conference of the Maids of Athena was held in Houston, Texas. At the 1954 Pittsburgh Convention, the first Grand Lodge of the Maids of Athena was elected.
When you join the Maids you join a HUGE family! There are over 100 active chapters in the United States and Canada. There’s probably a chapter near you with individuals just like you who are looking for new friendships, chances to travel, and lots of fun.

About Maids of Athena
The Maids of Athena is a junior order of the Daughters of Penelope, which is the female affiliate of AHEPA. The Maids are also the sister organization of the Sons of Pericles, the male youth affiliate to AHEPA. We have chapters and districts located throughout the United States and Canada. Wherever you are, there is bound to be a chapter near you. And if there is not, let’s set one up in your area! The experience will be beneficial to all those in your area that would qualify for membership.
The Maids of Athena are dedicated to ensuring our future place in North America’s preeminent Hellenic organizations. With over 100 chapters spanning across North America, we are the largest Greek female youth organization. Each chapter is dedicated to promoting Hellenism by strengthening Greek culture through educational and artistic activities. We take great pride in our sponsorship and support of philanthropic activities, leadership conferences, scholarship programs, travel opportunities the arts, athletic tournaments and social functions.
We have an annual National Convention that is located in a different city every year! You will get the chance to visit cities you have never seen before!
The Maids of Athena have opportunities to do everything you could want to do, as well as meet people with whom to share these experiences. It is educational, too. Scholarships are awarded, leadership and organizational skills learned and practiced, there is a Youth Publication to keep you informed of what the rest of North America is doing. We are constantly emphasizing community services and philanthropy through strategies designed to benefit our National Project. The Maids of Athena really has it all! Our list of accomplishments is a lengthy one and we take great pride in what we have done both in the past and continue to do today.
If you qualify for membership and want to find out more about joining, contact your nearest representative (see chapters). We guarantee you will be glad that you called! The Maids of Athena will provide you with all that and more. Join Today!
Our members are encouraged to strive to achieve and embody the ideals of our Order; Truth, Goodness, and Beauty.
Our Districts
Each chapter belongs to a district. There are 26 districts in the United States and Canada with each district being comprised of at least three chapters. There are social events and sports tournaments throughout the Districts all year. That’s even MORE people to meet.
If you are between the ages of 14 and 24 years old, unmarried, and of Greek descent from either parent, contact our National Headquarters for information on the closest chapter to you.
Set One Up
If you are interested in organizing a chapter in your area, please contact:
AHEPA Headquarters 1909 Q Street, NW Suite 500 Washington, DC 20009 (202) 232-6300 Fax (202) 232-2140

Education & Scholarships
The Maids of Athena educational programs are geared toward the development of organizational and leadership skills. Our members are encouraged to take part in the many workshops, seminars, and conferences sponsored on both the District and National levels. These meetings include many qualified and interesting speakers that provide each member with the knowledge and motivation necessary to progress not only in the Order but in society as well. When you join the Maids, you gain leadership skills, learn how to take charge and organize, and know how to work with people. Everyone has fun while they’re learning-you can, too.
Sons and Maids know how to have fun, but they also have goals. We are achievers! Annually, the Maids of Athena award three scholarships of $1,000 each to a graduating high school senior, undergraduate college student, and graduate student. These scholarships are awarded to members on the basis of academic merit, financial need, and participation in our Order. There are also several other scholarships awarded through the AHEPA family.
Community Serivces & Philantropy
Our sisterhood has always been committed to the betterment of our community through charitable causes. Collectively, throughout the years, our chapters have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars in support of such worthy causes as: Cooley’s Anemia Foundation, Deborah Heart and Lung Center, St. Basil’s Academy, Greek Orthodox Churches, Special Olympics, Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, and the AHEPA Bone Marrow Programs. This year the Maids of Athena, and our brother group the Sons of Pericles, have chosen Muscular Dystrophy as our National Project. Together we plan to donate $15,000 towards the fight for a cure against this terrible disease.
Along with the fun, there is a serious side to our organization. Every year we adopt a National Project, and through fundraisers and social events we raise money to support it. Some of our past projects include; Juvenile Diabetes Association, AHEPA Bone Marrow Registry, Heal the Children, St. Basil’s Academy and many others. This year the Maids of Athena with the Sons of Pericles joined together to expekt-bonus support the Muscular Dystrophy Association.

Social Events & Travel
Our social calendar is one of the most elaborate offerings anywhere, with events being held almost every weekend. These functions are a way for Greek youths everywhere to meet other young men and women of Greek descent, who share the same interests and pride in their culture. Our most elegant social affairs are the Regional Miss AHEPA Pageants. These events are held jointly by the Sons of Pericles and Maids of Athena as the contestants compete for top honors. It has become one of our most successful AHEPA family and Hellenic community affairs. Regional winners compete at the National Convention during the Grand Ball, each striving to be crowned National Miss AHEPA.
The Maids of Athena offers a wide variety of travel opportunities. Through sports activities, Miss AHEPA pageants, Seminars, and Workshops, you, as a member, can travel to different places. Or you can run for Chapter, District, and National offices and travel throughout North America. Just another reason why you should join today!!
Do you love the thrill of sports competition? The Sons of Pericles and Maids of Athena offer our members a great sports program. There are four Regional Basketball Tournaments with winners competing in the National Tournament. Each District has several sports tournaments such as beach volleyball, softball, and football. Local chapters also have their own inter-sports programs. It’s a great place for competition, fun, and socializing!
Remember, only members can participate in these great events.